Raise funds,
without friction

Invite investors, share your pitch, and collect their interest... all while keeping a clean cap table.

Streamline your next fundraising round

Share your pitch, and know who's accessed the information you shared.

Track interest and visualize commitments in a single place, in real-time.

Streamline your next fundraising round

Share your pitch to business angels from your network. Manage who has access to the documents you're sharing.

Track interest with analytics on who has viewed material in real time

Leverage the full potential of operator investors

Pool operator investors into a vehicle, to collect even small tickets of high-value people.

We take care of all things back-office (banking, tax declarations, compliance) so you can focus on nailing your pitch.

Simplify governance with a clean cap table

Consolidate dozens of investors into one line on your cap table.

Simplify votes and communications, with a single point of contact for the vehicle.

They talk about us

"Thanks to Evan and the Roundtable team for the great work helping me orchestrate this angel Round!"
"Roundtable was incredibly helpful for our BAs in our seed round. They handled some of the most time consuming tasks and streamlined the whole process. Their Ops team provided valuable support whenever needed."
"Using Roundtable has been seamless from the beginning to the end. The product is extremely user friendly, the team super professional and I got only compliments from my own investors."
"I used Roundtable for our capital raise. It was perfect to allow small investors to invest through a dedicated SPV, get rid of paperwork and keep a clean cap table!"

Case studies

Pooling Business Angels / Valentin Lautier

Founders Pool Business Angels with Roundtable

Valentin Lautier tells us about how he leveraged Roundtable to pool several business angels into an SPV, to leverage them without compromising on his cap table.

Use cases



During your next fundraising round, pool investors into one cap table line.
Cap table cleaning

Cap table cleaning

Pool current investors in an SPV to clean your cap table.


Use an SPV to easily emit ESOPs to your employees.

Questions? We’ve got answers

See more in our FAQ
What is an SPV?
SPV stands for Special Purpose Vehicle.

In our case, this is a company with the sole purpose to co-invest funds in a specific target, your company.

Roundtable creates one SPV per deal, which can be French SAS, SC or Luxembourg SCSp depending on the co-investors country of residency.
What are the advantages of using a founder SPV?
By using a founder SPV, you:

- Save Time:
Both for this investment round and for all future communications with your investors. And your time as a founder is one of your company’s most valuable assets.

- Save Money:
On cap table management software and in legal fees for any cap table operation.

- Prepare for the Future:
VC funds overwhelmingly prefer investing in companies with an uncluttered cap table.

- Leverage Diversity:
Engage more operator investors, even if they're offering smaller checks, ensuring you don't miss out on high-value contributors.
Can I clean my cap table a posteriori?
Yes, Roundtable can create a Founder SPV to clean your cap table if you have already raised funds from several business angels in a previous round.

There are a few details to take into account, most importantly the fiscal impact for your investors, that we will discuss in a call.
Who will act as Representative for the founder SPV as a shareholder of the target?
Roundtable will act as the nominee for the founder SPV to prevent conflicts of interest.

Want to pool business angels?

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